
European Executive MBA

Sustainable business, European focus


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FT European Business School Ranking


accredited Business School (AACSB, AMBA, EQUIS)


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Executive Education in Benelux

Understand the vibrant European business landscape and develop truly sustainable business practices and approaches.

You know your future is as a business leader in Europe. And you know that deep, immersive experience of business practice and ecosystems across the continent, will help you to unlock opportunities, enter new markets – and take your career to a whole new level.

The European Executive MBA, also known as the MBA in Sustainability Management, combines high-quality, cutting-edge business learning with immersive business experiences in centres across Europe. You’ll learn entrepreneurial, socially responsible business skills. You’ll experience the Vlerick spirit in business communities from Dublin to Copenhagen, learning from some of the most cutting-edge enterprises in Europe, as well as renowned Vlerick faculty and coaches.

Detailed programme

MBA in Europe

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The European Executive MBA is a true innovation in both content and format. Over 15 intensive months, you’ll experience a unique blend of online and in-person learning. You’ll break out of the classroom and dive into cutting-edge businesses in seven prominent European hubs at the forefront of sustainable business. Approaches and models will come to life in live cases and simulations in businesses from Paris to Zaragoza – and you’ll experience business life, culture and practice in action. And whether you’re learning about finance in Paris or supply chains and operations in Zaragoza, you’ll find that a focus on sustainable strategy runs through everything.

The European Executive MBA experience includes:

  • The core Executive MBA curriculum, including finance, marketing, strategy and more
  • Executive MBA elective topics, including subjects such as digital innovation and transformation
  • A dedicated leadership track throughout the programme
  • Knowledge-in-Action project

A consistent focus on sustainable business strategy – including sustainable finance, sustainable supply chains, purposeful and resilient organisations and the role of business in society

European Executive MBA delivery and formats

 The European Executive MBA combines high-quality, online learning with in-person, immersive experiences at important business hubs across Europe. Throughout the programme, you will take part in:

In-person learning

  • Take part in five insightful tips to companies based in some of the most important business hubs in Europe
  • Each trip is five days – from Wednesday morning to Sunday evening
  • Trips combine teaching with company visits, simulations, workshops and valuable networking
  • They take place every third month throughout the programme
  • All trips focus on different aspects of sustainable business strategy

Virtual learning

  • Live, online learning sessions in the months without European trips. These take place over one weekend, from 9 am-5 pm. In them, you’ll work with peers and take part in exercises, discussions and activities
  • This is complemented with self-paced, online learning that you do at times that suit you
  • In addition, you’ll be preparing for lessons, working on projects and following your own schedule to study for exams
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Why this programme

Achieve your European ambitions

Whether you want to expand into Europe – or deepen your understanding of the European business landscape – the European Executive MBA will give you unparalleled insight, connections and confidence.

You’ll learn from leading European faculty – and you’ll explore European businesses in cities across the continent. It’s a unique opportunity to understand European business and build an outstanding network of contacts.

Dive deep into European business ecosystems

Break out of the classroom and dive into big-name businesses in prominent European centres. You’ll experience approaches and models coming to life in live cases and simulations – and you’ll absorb business life, culture and practices.

Blended online and in-person learning gives you flexibility – and means you’re prepared to get the most from your immersive experiences in businesses in Brussels, Copenhagen, Zaragoza, Dublin, Paris and Ghent.

Consult on high-impact projects – with expert support

Apply everything you’ve learned in the Knowledge-in-Action project for your own company – or for a new company. You can also create positive, sustainable impact in a separate project, for a not-for-profit organisation.

You’ll receive expert, personalised support and coaching. This is designed to develop you as a leader, help you understand everything you’d like to achieve – and know the steps you need to take. You also get career coaching and curated networking opportunities and introductions.

 Blended learning for ultimate flexibility

Modern working lives demand flexibility… but you also want to meet your peers, faculty and businesses face-to-face. The European Executive MBA blends the best of online working with opportunities to meet in hands-on immersion modules in cities across Europe. This unique approach combines powerful experiences in cities and businesses across Europe, with flexible online learning and business simulations.
All of this means you have the flexibility of an online programme, combined with face-to-face experiences and opportunities. Networking, career coaching, support, live cases, introductions and deep interaction all come together on this programme – where you learn online, on campus, and in Brussels, Copenhagen, Zaragoza, Dublin, Paris and Ghent.

Find out more about studying at Vlerick >

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Career benefits

Whatever your ambitions, our careers team is here to help you achieve them. They’ll be by your side throughout the programme – giving you advice and support and helping you identify opportunities to go further. They’ll encourage you to take part in: 

  • Career coaching and using our career self-management tool 
  • Company presentations 
  • Networking opportunities across Europe
  • Mentorship programmes 

Who should attend

We welcome participants from diverse professional, social and cultural backgrounds. It’s an approach that contributes a rich blend of specialisms, experiences and perspectives to our class groups. 

When you join the European Executive MBA at Vlerick, you’ll join a select group of peers. With them, you’ll expand your network, gain fresh insights from a wide range of industries and develop a truly European mindset. 

Average class profile

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Practical info

Start date: 13 March 2024
Locations: Brussels, Paris, Dublin, Copenhagen, Zaragoza and Ghent – as well as remote, online learning
Format: A blend of immersive learning experiences in European business hubs, and highly interactive online learning
Duration: 15 months

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Time investment for the European Executive MBA 

Taking an MBA involves a considerable time investment. You can expect to spend an average of 10-12 hours a week taking part in classes, immersive experiences, team assignments, projects and self-paced study.

Applying for our Executive MBA programme

Our European Executive MBA has one intake per year, in March. The programme takes place over a 15-month period, finishing in June of the following year. We limit place numbers to make sure you have a quality experience, with high levels of personal attention.

We accept applications for the programme on a rolling basis, so we encourage you to apply sooner rather than later. Applying earlier also means you can take full advantage of any scholarships that may be available to you.

Fees and financing

The tuition fee for the European Executive MBA is €49.750

This includes:

  • Tuition (15 months)
  • Textbooks and course materials
  • Access to live, online courses
  • Use of campus facilities
  • Group and individual coaching for career and leadership
  • Programme during the European immersion trips
  • Alumni membership during the programme
  • Food and drinks during the programme
  • Online subscription to the Financial Times

    It does not include:
  • Transport, accommodation and meals during immersion trips – you must book and pay for these yourself

Financing your European Executive MBA

Your company may be willing to finance part or all of your European Executive MBA – particularly if they need help making their sustainability ambitions become reality.

Find out how to make a case for funding to your employer >

You may also be able to source finance in your home country or region from organisations or government. For example, the KMO Portefeuille can be helpful for professionals in Flanders. Our admissions team can help you to identify potential resources.

Book a meeting with our admissions team >

In addition, we offer a number of MBA scholarships and grants.

Find out more about available scholarships and grants >

There are four steps to applying for your European Executive MBA programme at Vlerick: 


1. Check your eligibility 

What you need:

  • A degree from a recognised university 
  • At least four years’ full-time, relevant work experience 

    Check your eligibility >

2. Submit your application 

Use our application tool to create your profile and start completing your application. Remember, we review applications on a rolling basis.

3. Go through the admissions process 

We’ll get in touch a few days after you submit your application. 
If you meet our criteria and we feel the European Executive MBA programme is a good fit for you, we’ll invite you to an admissions test and online interview.

4. Get your results 

Within two days of your test, we’ll let you know our decision. If you’re successful, we’ll offer you a place on the programme. If not, we’ll give you individual feedback – and you can retake your admissions test once more in the same academic year.

Success stories

Damman Dominique (1)

I believe that anybody who has the ambition to do things in a better way and to grow in their career should do a programme like this once in their lifetime. We have a lot of deadlines, but we motivate and help each other, and the vibes in the group are great! I particularly enjoy the immersion trips, as they add a lot of value to the programme experience. Because all these hot spots across Europe provide us with the opportunity to visit and learn from companies based there and learn about the intersection of business and sustainability. Such as when we went to Paris to apply the learnings from our Financial Management course to the current reality of Sustainable Finance.  

Vercauteren Bart (1)

This programme has a unique combination of benefits. It has a very international dimension, with a specific European focus on sustainability.  But it is still a full Executive MBA programme and curriculum where I can acquire all key business and leadership skills. The combination of online learning, coupled with the various immersion trips and modules across different cities makes it possible for me to combine the MBA with my family and my work. It’s a very thrilling experience, and I am very enthusiastic about it.  I already look forward to the next immersion trip in the programme.

Vercouteren Cis (2)

I like this programme for its specific focus on Europe, where we get to visit and learn about new business trends, practices, and solutions in those different countries. I also chose the programme, because I can complete the online modules at my own pace, but I still encounter and work together with interesting people during the immersion trips and projects. The aspect of meeting people was something I was not willing to sacrifice. This programme is very intense. Particularly during the immersion trips, you have a very packed schedule. But I learn a lot of new things, and I encounter very interesting people. It’s quite an amazing experience so far, and I am very motivated to continue this journey.

Menu Geert (1)

I chose this programme because I want to become a better professional. Since Sustainability has become such a hot topic, I want to learn about these new dynamics. In this programme, we visit cities that are real incubators when it comes to sustainability and social responsibility. During our visit to Paris, we had the opportunity to visit some of the start-ups that are really inspiring, because they develop new tools and means for companies to implement sustainability and social responsibility in their daily business.


Bjorn Cumps

Bjorn Cumps

Professor of Financial Services Innovation

Bjorn Cumps is passionate about FinTech, platforms and business ecosystems.

Katleen De Stobbeleir

Katleen De Stobbeleir

Professor of Leadership

Katleen De Stobbeleir is inspired by leaders who stand up and speak – and she is passionate about those who have the courage to sit and listen.

David Veredas

David Veredas

Professor of Financial Markets

David Veredas makes sure you understand finance and sustainability – and think critically about them.

Xavier Baeten

Xavier Baeten

Professor of Reward & Sustainability

Xavier Baeten is highlighting the vital role of rewarding in helping organisations deliver their strategy and gain competitive advantage.

Get in touch!

Sihame Ghaddab

Sihame Ghaddab

Customer Relationship Manager – European, Executive and Online MBA

Frequent asked questions

What is a blended MBA and how is it different from a hybrid MBA?

Both 'Blended MBA' and 'Hybrid MBA' are terms used to describe a programme that combines online and in-person learning. A hybrid programme describes a model where both online and classroom participants join at the same time. In contrast, a blended programme offers a curriculum in which some classes are conducted entirely online, while others are exclusively classroom-based. Our European Executive MBA is a blended MBA, not a hybrid MBA.

How are blended MBAs taught?

A blended MBA programme combines in-person and remote online learning to create flexible approaches. At Vlerick, this blended MBA programme includes elements that are 100% online, such as the majority of the Core Curriculum and Electives. The classroom element consists of six immersion trips where the entire class participates face-to-face for project work, case studies, and guest speakers, as well as company visits. The programme has been created and is delivered by our highly experienced faculty, who are experts at bringing both online and in-person learning to life, creating deeply immersive experiences, regardless of your preferred learning mode.

Is an MBA worth it?

An MBA from Vlerick helps professionals across the world to take the next leap in their lives and careers. It’s an investment that can give you significant returns – including access to more senior and fulfilling roles and higher salaries. In addition, the European Executive MBA gives you a unique view of the sustainable way that Europe does business.

If you’d like to find out more – or speak to our alumni – please reach out.

What level of English language ability is needed to follow the programme?

If you have a high standard GMAT or GRE score, we will certainly consider it. However at Vlerick, we have our own admissions test – the VBAT. This has been designed to take account of your experience and motivation, as well as your skillsets and capabilities.

Can you apply for a European Executive MBA without a bachelors degree?

To apply for our European Executive MBA programme, you must have a degree from a recognised university. In addition, you should have at least four years’ experience in the workplace

Do you get a degree or diploma when you graduate from the European Executive MBA?

Yes, you do. When you graduate from the European Executive MBA programme, you get a Masters in Business Administration. This is the same qualification as if you take part in our Executive MBA programme, Online MBA programme or Full-time MBA programme.

What is the grading system for European Executive MBAs?

We evaluate participant progress in a number of ways, including exams, papers, case work, group work and presentations. This happens course by course, so you’ll always know how you’re performing – and if you need to brush up in any particular areas.

How long does the European Executive MBA take?

Our European Executive MBA takes 15 months to complete. For more details, please reach out. Set up a call >

How much time will I need to spend each week on my European Executive MBA?

On average, you will need to spend 10-12 hours every week on class work, assignments, projects and study. Remember that in months when you have immersive European trips, you will be spending five days in each country – in addition to the time you’ll need for study.

Every three months you travel to Brussels, Paris, Copenhagen, Dublin, Madrid and Zaragoza, and Ghent. You’ll need to factor in time to travel to and from these locations – and being in them from Wednesday morning through to Sunday evening.

In between these European visits, you will spend one weekend each month taking part in live, online learning activities. These take place on Saturdays and Sundays.

If you have any questions, please get in touch – we’d love to hear about your ambitions.
Set up a call >

Is it possible to do the European Executive MBA as a working professional?

Absolutely, yes. We have designed the European Executive MBA especially for busy working professionals. It’s an intense time commitment – but one you’ll be so glad that you made. Talk to us to find out more about scheduling.

Arrange a call >

How do exams take place on the European Executive MBA?

Exams for the European Executive MBA take place via Zoom. Remember, you’ll also be evaluated via group work, individual papers, presentations and projects. Want to find out more? Please reach out, we’d love to help. Set up a call >

How many start dates are there for the European Executive MBA?

We start the European Executive MBA once each calendar year, in mid-March.