
Centre for Sustainable Finance

Invest the change

Providing the scientific insight to build your strategy on sustainable finance principles

Responsible leaders are acting on the UN Sustainable Development Goals and building businesses on ESG principles – all with the aim of transforming and improving societies.

But reporting and measurement aren’t standardised – and different approaches can result in sometimes contradictory information.

The solution lies in science and rigorous research. Vlerick’s Centre for Sustainable Finance is here to advance knowledge and understanding to power the financial sector’s decision-making.


Join a powerful community

Other organisations are grappling with the same challenges as you. And at the Centre for Sustainable Finance, you’ll find a safe space to discuss approaches and experiences with them – and tap into expertise and best practice.

You’ll influence the direction of research – and get direct access to game-changing insights that you can immediately action in your organisation. You’ll also take part in carefully-designed events and learning experiences that help you reach greater heights.


Research to power your company

The Centre for Sustainable Finance is a unique knowledge platform that gives you access to academically robust, actionable research. Heading up the centre is Prof. David Veredas. He has more than 20 years’ experience of scientifically researching the financial sector – as well as hands-on, practical experience.

Every new member makes the centre even stronger. Join us and benefit from our research, including the nexus between risk and sustainability for SMEs – and measuring and understanding scope three greenhouse gas emissions.

2016 Experience Vlerick Day

Network, explore, deepen your thinking

As a member, you’ll be welcomed to specially-curated events that are designed to provoke discussion and creative thinking about sustainable finance. Our international network shares best practice from across the world.

Partners, members and the broader community – including alumni from our executive programme in asset management – come together at the centre to network. Each event explores a central theme – like carbon pricing and sovereign green bonds – and dives into insights from experts.

Partners & members




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Expert faculty

David Veredas

David Veredas

Professor of Financial Markets

David Veredas makes sure you understand finance and sustainability – and think critically about them.

Leonardo Meeus

Leonardo Meeus

Visiting Professor of Nonmarket Strategies

Leonardo Meeus helps companies to take a broader perspective on strategy.

Robert Boute

Robert Boute

Professor of Operations Management

Robert Boute creates financial and social value with operations and supply chain optimisation.

Xavier Baeten

Xavier Baeten

Professor of Reward & Sustainability

Xavier Baeten is highlighting the vital role of rewarding in helping organisations deliver their strategy and gain competitive advantage.


Join us

The centre is an ecosystem of sustainable finance knowledge, expertise and senior leaders – and you could become a part of it. Join us to access the centre’s research – and to become part of a high-profile network of thought leaders and change makers. You’ll also have direct access to our expert faculty. Take the leap and become a member today!

If you want to become even more embedded in the centre, you could consider becoming a partner. This will give you the ability to co-create our research.

Get in touch

David Veredas

David Veredas

Professor of Finance and Sustainability